Anthology Of Sorcery All 3
Urban Fantasy This series is set in the same world as the Mercy Thompson Series, but on a slightly earlier time line. It begins with a novella titled Alpha and Omega published in the On the Prowl anthology. The decision to continue the story was made after the anthology had already been published, which has caused some confusion, since "book 1" is a actually a continuation of the short story. The series has plenty of action, but there's more emphasis on the romantic attraction between the hero and heroine. On a romance-readers scale, this series is sweet rather than steamy.
Anthology of Sorcery all 3
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Adventures of Sword and Sorcery, #6: My first short-story sale. The story was called Wishing Well. Free to read here. Silver Birch, Blood Moon [1999 ISBN: 0380786222]: A fairy tale anthology edited by Ellen Datlow and Terri Windling. My story, The Price is a retelling of Rumplestiltskin.
Wolfsbane and Mistletoe [2008 ISBN: 0441016332]: An anthology of christmas-themed urban fantasy short stories edited by Charlaine Harris. My entry is called Star of David, and centers on David Christiansen, who was briefly mentioned in Moon Called. It's a heartwarming story of how murder and deception can bring a family together. Reprinted in Shifting Shadows anthology.
Strange Brew [2009 ISBN: 0312383363]: This is an anthology of witch-based stories edited by P. N. Elrod featuring stories some of my all-time favorite authors. Of course, I had to sneak a werewolf into the mix. And a dash of romance, and a snippet of revenge. Eye of newt, wing of bat . . . My story is called Seeing Eye. Reprinted in Shifting Shadows anthology.
Naked City [2011 ISBN: 0312385242]: Edited by Ellen Datlow. My entry, Fairy Gifts deals with a vampire who finds some measure of redemption in the mines far below Butte, Montana. Reprinted in Shifting Shadows anthology.
Home Improvement: Undead Edition [2011 ISBN: 0441020356]: My story is titled Gray. A vampire returns to her first home, and finds more than the memories she was seeking. Edited by Charlaine Harris & Toni L.P. Kelner. Reprinted in Shifting Shadows anthology.
Down These Strange Streets [2014 ISBN: 0441020747]: "In Red, with Pearls" in the Urban Fantasy anthology edited by George R.R. Martin and Gardner Dozois. Poor Warren has terrible neighbors. Apparently, nobody told them that antagonizing a werewolf isn't as fun as it sounds. Reprinted in Shifting Shadows anthology.
A Fantastic Holiday Season [2014 ISBN: 9781614752028]: This is a Christmas anthology, edited by Kevin J. Anderson and Keith J. Olexa. I wrote a little story called Unappreciated Gifts. Some of the pack members think Asil should get out more, so they've challenged him to accept a series of blind dates . . .
Heroic Hearts [2022 ISBN: 9780593099193]: An Urban fantasy anthology celebrating heroes who do the right thing when they are called upon. Patty's story is called Dating Terrors. Asil finds an online date that might just turn into something more - if she can escape the dark magic binding her.
Now the anthology has been released into the wild. A Book of Blades hosts 15 short stories from established and emerging heroic authors! Check out the table of contents below. There are even illustrations from the aforementioned Morgan Galen King & Sara Frazetta, amongst other artists. All proceeds go toward making the show a stronger and more attractive platform for all. The anthology is available now in Paperback and Kindle.
David Hartwell WebsiteISFDB BibliographyThe New York Review of Science FictionSF Site Review: The Space Opera RenaissanceSF Site Review: The Space Opera RenaissanceSF Site Review: Year's Best Fantasy 6SF Site Review: The Hard SF RenaissanceSF Site Review: Year's Best SF 5SF Site Review: Northern SunsSF Site Review: Northern StarsSF Site Review: Year's Best SF 3SF Site Review: The Ascent of Wonder: The Evolution of Hard SFThe Golden Age of Best SF Collections: A ChronicleJacob WeismanJacob Weisman is the publisher of Tachyon Publications.Tachyon WebsiteISFDB BibliographyA review by Seamus Sweeney Advertisement David Drake's illuminating, affectionate introduction to this anthology, another of the superbly presented anthologies Tachyonhave publishing for some time (see my previous reviews here of Kafkaesqueand Future Media, both orientates the uninitiated and provides enough interested for theaficionado to draw the reader in. Drake recounts Manly Wade Wellman's "most vivid childhood memory... the day aten-year-old herdboy faced the leopard which was stalking his goats and killed it with his spear. That night there wasa banquet in this honour. He was seated on the high stool with the leopard's skin, fresh and reeking, draped over hisshoulders. From his place of honour the boy doled out a piece of the cat's flesh to every adult male. When they had eatenthe meat... the men each in turn chanted a song of praise to the enthroned hero, recounting and embellishing hisaccomplishment. He has vanquished the monster which threatened our lives and our livelihood! Behold the hero! Hear hismighty deeds! This is storytelling as the Cro-Magnons practised it; and this is the essence of sword and sorcery fiction."Hero tales are the oldest tales, and yet like Rodney Dangerfield contemporary writers in the heroic mode can't get norespect. While it is still sometimes used as a term of lit crit abuse, "science fiction" has largely completed thegentrification process of achieving literary respectability. The dystopian fictions of Margaret Atwood and CormacMcCarthy, the genre bending of David Foster Wallace and Johnathan Lethem, the elevation of J.G. Ballard into somethingof a patron saint of British literature, Philip K. Dick achieving the canonical landmark that is inclusion inthe Modern Library edition; all have combined to render SF-nal elements acceptable (albeit often quarantined withinan appropriately "literary" frame) in quarters formerly forbidden. Kingsley Amis could see this coming some decadesago, and mourned the passing of the distinctive flavour of the Golden Age, popular magazine based SF culture andthe advent of the glummer, more self-consciously artistic stories of Ballard and Brian Aldiss.Despite the enormous success of Tolkien, and more latterly the impact of George R..R. Martin, fantasy is still farfrom being taken entirely seriously by the literature crowd. Perhaps this will change; the various examples in theopening paragraph illustrate that readers of the last few decades are accustomed to genre and literature divisionsbeing porous if not invisible (although one wonders if an unintended consequence of the digital revolution inpublishing may be for the echo chamber effect to re-Balkanise reading patterns)All of the above is in some ways preparatory throat clearing on my own part before embarking on this review. Iwould consider myself reasonably well read in literary fiction in general, and for the purposes of reviewing forSF Site in certain areas of science fiction as well -- at least to such an extent that I have a reasonably goodmental map of the territory. I know, or at least have an idea, what I don't know. All this helps in contextualising,even for myself rather than explicitly in a review, where a particular text fits in with other texts.As an older child (about ten or so) I devoured The Lord of the Rings, and I would have read the Narniatales with reasonable enthusiasm -- although I remember them now much less vividly than Tolkien's epic -- at aboutthe same age. In my early teenage years I tried various multi-part epics but nothing compared to Tolkien. I vividlyremember, aged I think 13, buying discounted copies of a Terry Pratchett book (I think Guards! Guards!) andGraham Greene's Our Man In Havana. Not only did I find the Pratchett unfunny (trying too hard) but theeffect of its parody of fantasy conventions combined with a hedonistic enjoyment of Greene'ssophisticated "entertainment" was to turn me decisively away from fantasy reading.On reflection, the above may make me a perfect reviewer for David G. Hartwell and Jacob Weisman's anthology. Thisis a book which will appeal to the confirmed fan of the genre, especially one who wishes to gain a sense of thehistorical development of the sword and sorcery hero. It will also appeal to those like me, curious, all but unawareuntil they pick up the book that Conan did not spring from a screenwriter's but from Robert E Howard's imagination.Howard was one of those protean, short-lived figures (like Lovecraft) whose prolific output and prodigiality of wildimagination marked out a literary territory all their own. The Conan story included here, "The Tower of the Elephant,"is an excellent adventure story with a hint of surrealism. Reading this and many other stories, especially the somewhatolder ones (C.L. Moore's "Black God's Kiss" is an even better example) I was reminded of the distinction made by Freud(so how "scientific" this is anyone's guess) between primary process thinking and secondary process thinking. Oureveryday, "rational" experience and communication exhibits secondary process thinking, the thinking of the "realityprinciple"; primary process thinking is that of the "pleasure principle," and is seen in dreams andfantasies. "The Tower of the Elephant" and "Black God's Kiss" have a kind of hallucinatory, dream-like quality;their characters, too, are archetypal, exemplary, allegorical. C.L. Moore's story in particularly, with its overtonesand undertones both Christian and erotic, and utilisation of the almost too-Freudian symbol of a journey via tunnelto a magical, malignant realm, haunted me after reading it.Drake in his introduction discusses the popularity of Conan in the 60s and 70s, "as big a thing in publishing aszombies are today." This "had the genuinely good result of making room on the fringes for historical/fantasy adventureswhich weren't trying to rehash Conan but which would have been (re)published if Conan hadn't created acategory." While Howard's prose is open to parody ("In the Maul they could carouse and roar as they liked, for honestpeople shunned the quarters, and watchmen, well paid with stained coins, did not interfere with their sport") the laterstories anthologised here illustrate the thematic and stylistic range of sword and sorcery fiction.Karl Edward Wagner's "Undertow" is a particularly brilliant story, with the malignant figure of that anti-Conan, Kane,in what initially reads like a sort of serial killer/police procedural story set in a fantasy universe. My otherfavourites were Charles R. Saunders' "Gimmile's Songs" with its imaginative altered-Africa setting giving a senseof reaching back to what most have been the very oldest stories from our common ancestral original home, and thewitty paranoia of Michael Swanwick's "The Year of the Three Monarchs."Perhaps the one wish I had from this anthology was a stronger sense of the pre-Howard precursors of the genre. FromGilgamesh to La Morte d'Arthur and the Gothic and Romantic eras of lone heroes and indeed the thoughtof Friedrich Nietszche, there were many waymarkers on the path to what we now know as sword and sorcery fiction. Perhaps,however, it is enough that the editors have produced this volume which re-ignited this reader's interest at least in the genre.Copyright 2012 Seamus SweeneySeamus Sweeney is a freelance writer and medical graduate from Ireland.He has written stories and other pieces for the website and other publications.He is the winner of the 2010 Molly Keane Prize.He has also written academic articles as Seamus Mac Suibhne.If you find any errors, typos or anything else worth mentioning,please send it to 1996-2014 SF Site All Rights Reserved Worldwide 041b061a72