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Ezy Invoice Pro 10 6 3 11 Final Activated ((LINK))

on january 19, 2020, the department of health and human services (hhs) issued an advanced notice of proposed rulemaking (anprm) in the federal register (80 fr 1039) to require that any employer or operator of a qualifying facility covered under the migrant and seasonal agricultural worker protection act of 1986 who does business with a handler of a h-2a program alien must be registered with hhs as a handler of such aliens and as a qualified h-2a contractor. the proposed rule also addresses reporting and payment requirements for handlers of h-2a program workers. the proposed rule is scheduled for publication in the federal register on march 31, 2020 and will be effective march 31, 2020.

Ezy Invoice Pro 10 6 3 11 Final Activated


the department of labor (department) is proposing a regulation that would amend the departments regulations implementing the requirements of the fair labor standards act (flsa) in order to grant seasonal and annual agricultural workers who are working through the employment arrangement referred to as the h-2a program up to one year of coverage under the federal minimum wage and maximum hour provisions of the flsa. the proposed rule would extend the deadline for compliance with wage and hour requirements for all h-2a programs during the transition period and would provide additional flexibility to adjust the wage rate for h-2a program workers to its prevailing rate. this proposed rule would not result in any increase in the costs to employers, other than normal administrative costs.

on february 21, 2017, the department of labor provided an analysis of labor conditions in the indicated occupations (i.e., those occupations for which the department of labor received a majority of the perm applications) to congress. the analysis was based on information from all available data sources, including, the department's labor market information system (lmis), the labor condition survey (lcs), the quarterly census of employment and wages (qcew) and the quarterly census of employment and wages for youth (qcew-y). the analysis found that overall, labor conditions are favorable for most occupations, but that substantial job opportunities exist for a variety of occupations including: accountants and auditors; computer systems analysts, and software engineers.

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