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Teens are simultaneously challenged with forming individual identities and also finding place in a group of peers. The second annual teen convening approached art and identity together, asking how art aids in both of these processes. Here, teens from the Seattle Art Museum present from their own teen programs to Convening participants.

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Art is both self-contained and ameliorative; in this teen convening participants explored the notion that art museums can, similarly, be safe spaces and welcome experimentation to challenge everyday life. Teens, educators, and artists shared voice on this 2011 teen convening panel.

Teens and technology seem to go hand in hand. This convening dove deeply into the ways in which technology can be utilized by museums to make visiting experiences better for teens. It also explored the role technology and the internet plays in forming identity and the multiple identities that appear as a result of having an online persona. Teens, educators, artists and other interested parties joined in the three day event to explore these topics. In this photo, teens and educators show off their hand-made flags after a Teen Convening artist encounter with Aaron Rose.

Experimentation is a vital process for youth and teens, and this convening explored the role of experimentation and participation in customized experiences. Sessions, roundtables, and presentations explored the overlap and links between maker culture and art practice and how these can be applied to teen programs. The teen convening participant above deconstructs a machine!

Teens are impacted greatly by arts education programs, but what impact do teens have on the museums they call home? Give and Take considered this exchange and the positive impact teens have on their host institutions. Teen presence in the museum and/or institution can create more equity and fundamentally shifts the ways in which museums operate, from visitor assistants in the galleries, to educational programming, to relationships with artists. Pictured above is Aric Oak, now an ICA Teen alumnus and teaching assistant in teen programs.

There is magic in learning after the bell. This teen convening focused on distinctive out-of-school based arts programming that prioritizes active learning, self-direction, collaborative experiences and creative freedom. Art museums are vital places that support growth and development for teens through creative, focused time.

Social media can be fun, exciting, even helpful. But for some teens, all those pictures of awesome vacations, perfect bodies, and great-looking lives can fuel self-doubt. How can parents help teenagers have a healthier relationship with their social feeds?

Encourage teens to take what they see on social media with a (large) grain of salt. Asking questions can help. For example, are their friends are really the people they seem to be online? And is your child the person they seem to be online? Why does getting likes feel good? Do they feel better or worse after looking at social media? Check in regularly and if you notice your child is feeling down, ask them if their feed is helping or harming.

Nearly two thirds of parents say their child is insecure about some aspect of their appearance and one in five say their teens avoid scenarios like being in photos because they're too self-conscious, according to the C.S. Mott Children's Hospital National Poll on Children's Health at University of Michigan Health.

Parents of teens are also more likely than parents of younger children ages 8-12 to report their child is insecure about their appearance (73% of teen girls and 69% of teen boys compared to 57% of younger girls and 49% of younger boys.)

"It's developmentally normal for adolescents and teens to experience some insecurities, but if it's interfering with their ability to enjoy social interactions or other activities, they may need help."

Children and teens often face significant pressure to meet strict, unrealistic and harmful societal ideals around beauty, body build, weight and shape. The quest for a perfect body or appearance can take a heavy toll on confidence, as well as physical and mental health.

Children and teens who have negative thoughts about their bodies are at an increased risk of low self-esteem, depression, substance use, eating disorders, and unhealthy body weight, including being underweight or overweight. In addition, some teenagers might engage in risky behaviors that can affect their future opportunities, such as ignoring schoolwork or participating in illegal behaviors that lead to trouble with the law.

Many parents do not understand why their teenagers occasionally behave in an impulsive, irrational, or dangerous way. At times, it seems like teens don't think things through or fully consider the consequences of their actions. Adolescents differ from adults in the way they behave, solve problems, and make decisions. There is a biological explanation for this difference. Studies have shown that brains continue to mature and develop throughout childhood and adolescence and well into early adulthood.

Pictures of the brain in action show that adolescents' brains work differently than adults when they make decisions or solve problems. Their actions are guided more by the emotional and reactive amygdala and less by the thoughtful, logical frontal cortex. Research has also shown that exposure to drugs and alcohol during the teen years can change or delay these developments.

The Highway Loss Data Institute (HLDI) shares and supports this mission through scientific studies of insurance data representing the human and economic losses resulting from the ownership and operation of different types of vehicles and by publishing insurance loss results by vehicle make and model.

Visual aids and illustrations remind the reader what happened throughout the story and support their ability to confidently retell the key events. As kids hone their sequencing skills, let them look at the pictures to remind them what happened in the story. If they guess, and guess incorrectly, then use it as an opportunity to re-read the passage. This offers a chance to do an additional check for understanding.

The subject matter in picture books can introduce social cues and cultural differences that encourage social-emotional development. Books that model social behaviors help hone social language skills and reinforce positive behavior.

While boys and girls generally share personal information on social media profiles at the same rates, cell phone numbers are a key exception. Boys are significantly more likely to share their numbers than girls (26% vs. 14%). This is a difference that is driven by older boys. Various differences between white and African-American social media-using teens are also significant, with the most notable being the lower likelihood that African-American teens will disclose their real names on a social media profile (95% of white social media-using teens do this vs. 77% of African-American teens).316% of teen social media users have set up their profile to automatically include their location in posts.Beyond basic profile information, some teens choose to enable the automatic inclusion of location information when they post. Some 16% of teen social media users said they set up their profile or account so that it automatically includes their location in posts. Boys and girls and teens of all ages and socioeconomic backgrounds are equally likely to say that they have set up their profile to include their location when they post. Focus group data suggests that many teens find sharing their location unnecessary and unsafe, while others appreciate the opportunity to signal their location to friends and parents.

Twitter draws a far smaller crowd than Facebook for teens, but its use is rising. One in four online teens uses Twitter in some way. While overall use of social networking sites among teens has hovered around 80%, Twitter grew in popularity; 24% of online teens use Twitter, up from 16% in 2011 and 8% the first time we asked this question in late 2009.

Continuing a pattern established early in the life of Twitter, African-American teens who are internet users are more likely to use the site when compared with their white counterparts. Two in five (39%) African-American teens use Twitter, while 23% of white teens use the service.

Overall, teens have far fewer followers on Twitter when compared with Facebook friends; the typical (median) teen Facebook user has 300 friends, while the typical (median) teen Twitter user has 79 followers. Girls and older teens tend to have substantially larger Facebook friend networks compared with boys and younger teens.

Teens, like other Facebook users, have different kinds of people in their online social networks. And how teens construct that network has implications for who can see the material they share in those digital social spaces:

Older teens are more likely than younger ones to have created broader friend networks on Facebook. Older teens (14-17) who use Facebook are more likely than younger teens (12-13) to be connected with:

Those teens who used sites like Twitter and Instagram reported feeling like they could better express themselves on these platforms, where they felt freed from the social expectations and constraints of Facebook. Some teens may migrate their activity and attention to other sites to escape the drama and pressures they find on Facebook, although most still remain active on Facebook as well.

Beyond general privacy settings, teen Facebook users have the option to place further limits on who can see the information and updates they post. However, few choose to customize in that way: Among teens who have a Facebook account, only 18% say that they limit what certain friends can see on their profile. The vast majority (81%) say that all of their friends see the same thing on their profile.5 This approach also extends to parents; only 5% of teen Facebook users say they limit what their parents can see. 041b061a72

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